Officers & Senators

Staff Senate is comprised of elected representatives who work closely with the University administration and the UNC System Staff Assembly to address issues and develop the best solutions for staff and the university community.

2023-2024 Staff Senate Officers

ChairClint Coffeycoffeycg1@appstate.edu828.262.6114Business Systems
Chair-Elect Vacant Contact current chair if needed  
Past ChairClint Coffeycoffeycg1@appstate.edu828.262.6114Business Systems 
Secretary Jax Office of Diversity 
Treasurer Tammie Contracts and Grants Accounting

*UNC Staff Assembly Delegates

Other Key Roles

Primary Alternate
UNC Staff Assembly Delegate
Secondary Alternate
UNC Staff Assembly Delegate
Samantha Williams williamsse11@appstate.edu828.262.2034CIS- Walker College of Business, CARE

Your Staff Senator

Contact the current Secretary and/or Chair of Staff Senate to find out who your Staff Senator is!