Staff Resources

The Staff Senate nomination period will be open from March 11 - April 20.
Please submit your nominations using our nomination form.

Appalachian State Staff Resources

 DescriptionPhoneEmail or contact form
Counseling for Faculty and StaffProvides counseling, consultation, training and referrals for concerns that impact both your personal and professional lives. Please call to make an appointment.

Location: 400 University Hall Drive
Hours: Monday-Friday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Emergency Information for StaffProvides you with a few of the most important things you may do to prepare for
Emergency Loan Fund (ELF) InformationThere may be occasions when emergency circumstances, defined as unforeseen, unplanned, and unavoidable events, demand immediate attention and require an employee to secure funds on short notice. The Emergency Loan Fund (ELF) has been established to assist Appalachian State University employees with an alternative and convenient means of borrowing money during times of emergency or unexpected situations that create financial hardship for the employee. 
Zero-interest ELF loans are now available for employees with minimal payments to be made through monthly payroll deductions.
Employee BenefitsAppalachian provides a full range of benefit programs and services that support and enhance the employment relationship of faculty and staff.828.262.3187
Employee RelationsEmployee Relations provides guidance to management in their efforts to improve employee job performance and to correct unacceptable personal conduct. Assistance is provided to help address personal issues by providing referral assistance to various campus resources.828.262.3187  
Ombuds OfficeProvides an independent, confidential environment for faculty, staff and students of the Appalachian community to discuss campus-related concerns or problems. The Ombuds Office holds the identity and all communications with those seeking assistance in strict confidence, and does not disclose confidential communications unless given permission to do so, except as required by law or where, in the judgment of the Ombuds, there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm.

Location: IG Greer 236A
Perks and Discounts for Appalachian EmployeesDiscounts and perks offered to staff and faculty of Appalachian State University828.262.3187
Staff Senate ScholarshipsThe purpose of the Appalachian State University Staff Senate Scholarship Fund is to provide scholarship(s) to permanent, full-time, non-faculty employees and their dependents who are taking either undergraduate or graduate-level courses at an accredited institution of higher education. Scholarships are awarded annually in the Spring. Awards are not automatically renewable from year to year. Interested parties must apply each year; however, the renewal of scholarships for previous recipients will be taken into consideration. Scholarship awards are based on the availability of funds; however, each scholarship award will not exceed $1000. 
Scholarships are awarded based on funds available.
UNC Staff Assembly ScholarshipsScholarships offered by the UNC System Staff Assembly.   

UNC System and North Carolina Governance

Appalachian State Board of TrusteesThe Appalachian State University Board of Trustees is a thirteen-member body that promotes the development of the institution within the functions prescribed by the UNC Board of Governors. The Board serves as advisor to the Board of Governors on matters pertaining to the University and also serves as advisor to the Chancellor concerning the management and development of Appalachian. The powers and duties of the Board of Trustees are primarily defined and delegated by the Board of Governors.
NC Congressional DistrictsMap and locations of NC Congressional Districts.
NC General Assembly The General Assembly is the Legislative Branch that makes laws for North Carolina. It is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Legislature meets biennially and all members are elected for two-year terms. 
NC General Assembly Legislative Calendars Link to available calendars for the NC House of Representatives, Senate and Legislative proceedings. 
NC Governor's Office The governor of North Carolina is the head of government for the state. The governor serves a term of four years and chairs the Council of State. 
NC RepresentativesUse this link to find the legislators representing our area.
NC State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC District 3)SEANC District 3 serves Avery, Mitchell and Watauga Counties by enhancing the quality of life for state employees.
NC State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC Home Office) SEANC is the South's leading state employees' association, representing state and dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for state employees. 
NC State Employee Credit Union (SECU) The SECU is a member-owned not-for-profit financial cooperative that provides financial products, services, tools and resources to its members.
NC Treasurer The treasurer is the state's chief financial officer, official banker and member of the Council of State. The treasurer's office manages the state's pension and healthcare plans, investments and provides financial support to local governments. 
Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) The OSHR serves as the center of human resources collaboration and facilitation for the state of North Carolina. 
State Health PlanImprove the health care of North Carolina teachers, state employees, retirees, and their dependents, in a financially sustainable manner, thereby serving as a model to the people of North Carolina for improving their health and well-being.
State of NC website One-stop official State of NC website about living, working, learning and exploring in North Carolina.
UNC Board of Governors The University of North Carolina System is governed by the Board of Governors, which, under Chapter 116 of NC General Statutes, has responsibility for planning, development and overall governance of the UNC System. 
UNC Staff AssemblyAdvisory board of SHRA (formerly SPA) and EHRA (formerly EPA) Non-Faculty Employees who represent the Staff of the 17 schools that make up the University of North Carolina. The goal is to improve communications, understanding and morale throughout the whole of our respective communities, and to increase efficiency and productivity in campus operations.